Friday, November 27, 2009

Signing Off

Now, don't act surprised. We all knew it was coming. I've been a crap blogger all along and realize I do most of my blogging only when I'm down. I'm happy to report that I'm no longer down in the way I was while TTC. Of course, my job is difficult but it is a challenge and never boring. My life at home is better than I could have ever expected. I am content for the first time that I can EVER remember.

I keep thinking that for the sake of Tallulah I should try to have another baby (IVF #7 anyone?). But in all truth I would be doing it so she would have a sibling and not just for me to have another baby. If I were a few years younger (now 43) I would try again but I'm not a few years younger and I have what I have always longed for. My heart is full, my family is here and I am happy. I am the luckiest person in the world and I won't take it for granted.

Thank you all so much for the support you have sent my way over the years. Your caring comments got me through some of the darkest times of my adult life. Thank you and thank you and thank you.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tallulah Laughing

A few nights ago we got Tallulah laughing her little head off. It was only the second time she really laughed and she just wouldn't stop. I was laughing so hard I was crying. It seemed the more I laughed the more she laughed. If you have a few minutes and want to take a look we have posted a video on You Tube of Tallulah laughing. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Knock Me Up returns -- finally

Hi everyone: I'm sorry I've been gone so long. As you all know I was having major trouble with my account. I finally realized I just had to bite the bullet and create a new blog.

Here's a quick abridged version update:

1) T-Lu is 15 weeks and she is amazing. I love my daughter more than life itself and she is an unbelievable joy to me every minute of every day.

2) I went back to work and it is okay although I miss my girl every minute.

3) SB and I are doing okay. My feelings for him will never be the same as they were prior to the labor and delivery but I think I have adjusted and we are doing fine.

I will be back with a real post very soon. I want to tell you all about my girl -- you will totally be sick by how gushy and mushy I feel about her.

xoxo to all of you.
MoT (Mother of Tallulah)